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Not a Pipeline Problem: 5, 10 minute plays written and directed by badass womxn

  • The Tank 312 West 36th Street New York, NY, 10018 United States (map)



“Not a Pipeline Problem: 5, 10-minute plays written and directed by badass womxn” is a celebration of femme creative power. Join these six playwrights for an afternoon of questioning... “What’s really the problem? Cause girl, it ain’t us”.

Playwrights: Adzua Ayana Asha Amoa, Jennifer Beck, Kenny Hahn, Niki Hatzidis, and Sarah Alice Shull
Produced by: Erin Reynolds
Directors: Adzua Ayana Asha Amoa
Laura Lenis
Hallie Riddick
Erin Reynolds
Illana Stein
Actors: Mark Ashin
Constance Cooper
Nora Daly
Lynae DePriest
Madison Eberhardt
N'Dack Fleming
Chandler Gregorie
Addie Guidry
Ayanna Harrison
Niki Hatzidis
Dasja Pennix
Danielle Phillips
Nina Roy
Tremeika Small
Leanne Velednitsky
Erin Wagner
Associate Producers: Jennifer Beck and Sarah Alice Shull
Production Manager: Mary Kate Vanegas
mage Art: Gretchen Priddy
Lighting Designer: Elizabeth McManamon

Earlier Event: August 22